How to Utilize WeReviewIt


While we do not currently offer a proofreading service, we do offer a review service called WeReviewIt that can act as a second set of eyes on your cookbook!


What we provide: -  Warnings of issues where text is overflowing pages
 - Photo resolution concerns
 - Potential problems with your covers for a specified binding style
 - An overall assessment of any potential issues we see in going to print

What we do not provide: - Proof reading services (You still need to review all recipes including those done with WeTypeIt.)
 - Assessments of the color, lightness, or darkness of photos or cover

How much does it cost?

Our WeReviewIt service starts at $9.95 for the first 20 pages. After that, it's $0.10 per additional page.

How do I purchase WeReviewIt?

When you generate your proofs for your book, the pop-up window will ask you "Want a second opinion?" Just click "Learn more" and it'll take you to the WeReviewIt page so you can add the service to your cart and checkout :)

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