How to Activate or Gift a Family Cookbook Kit

1. After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to each kit purchased:



2. If you’re keeping the kit and want to register it to your account, click the link as shown in the email pictured above. 


3. Visit the link shown in Step 1 on the page, and then enter the registration code:




4. Click the Orange “Find Activation Code” shown in the image in step 3.


5. Click the “Activate Bundle” button:



6. Important: You will not see a credit for the single copy of your printed book until you add your completed book to your shopping cart when you’re ready to place your order. Your WeTypeIt credits will also be applied to your account and can be used anytime after activating your kit.


7. Complete your book, publish your proof files to your online store, and then you’ll be able to see your store credit in your shopping cart.




Looking to gift your Family Cookbook Kit? Jump over to your Activation Codes page, click "Actions" and then choose the option that's best for you.


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